I feel like I have been stumbling around a lot lately. Between school, work, relationships, and life in general... I've let this world get the best of me and leave me broken.So, with only four days left in my first semester of nursing school... The end is in sight!
For some reason, I frequently have the misconception that my life is a book or a movie. I think that one chapter will distinctly close before the next opens. I like things to be clean cut and neat. I want background music to play to emphasize what I am feeling or experiencing... I want the bad things to be separate and balanced from the good, and everything to have a happy ending.
However, as bad as I want that cookie cutter, it's not how God intended us to experience this life. Even if I am experiencing. One of the most bittersweet chapters of my life, it is also one of the most beautiful chapters and a time sparkling and twinkling in celebration. They are the same thing, of course! There is always light and dark, sorrow and sweetness, beauty and blood...
It's just like the story of Christ, a holy and precious baby born, a gruesome death on the cross, and the sweet life when He rose again... Life mimics this, life after death, bitter in the sweetness. Although we experience pain and heartache, we easily forget the sweetness: a crackling fire, the sweetness of a fresh strawberry, the high after a good run, a hug from a dear friend, and other ways goodness is tucked away in our lives waiting to be discovered.
Tomorrow is Monday. Tomorrow will be a fresh start. I promise to leave the past in the past and move forward in life to discover and celebrate God's plan for me. In the words of one of my favorite writers, Shauna Neiquist..
"I believe still today what I have always believes; that God is good, that the world he made is extraordinary, and that his comfort is like nothing else on earth!"
So my prayer for you is not that you live a life that's only sweet and never bitter... But that even in the bitterest of moments, you will find the comfort of Christ, deep and enduring, powerful beyond all imagination!
Tomorrow is a fresh start to a true me.
gab (v) Slang gabbed, gab·bing, gabs- To talk in a rapid or thoughtless manner: chatter.
December 4, 2011
November 8, 2011
A David Psalm
1 I run to you, God; I run for dear life. Don't let me down! Take me seriously this time!2 Get down on my level and listen, and please-no procrastination! Your granite cave a hiding place, your high cliff aerie a place of safety.3 You're my cave to hide in, my cliff to climb. Be my safe leader, be my true mountain guide.4 Free me from hidden traps; I want to hide in you.5 I've put my life in your hands. You won't drop me, you'll never let me down.6 I hate all this silly religion, but you, God, I trust.7 I'm leaping and singing in the circle of your love; you saw my pain, you disarmed my tormentors,8 You didn't leave me in their clutches but gave me room to breathe.9 Be kind to me, God-I'm in deep, deep trouble again. I've cried my eyes out; I feel hollow inside.10 My life leaks away, groan by groan; my years fade out in sighs. My troubles have worn me out, turned my bones to powder.14 Desperate, I throw myself on you: you are my God!15 Hour by hour I place my days in your hand, safe from the hands out to get me.16 Warm me, your servant, with a smile; save me because you love me.17 Don't embarrass me by not showing up; I've given you plenty of notice. Embarrass the wicked, stand them up, leave them stupidly shaking their heads as they drift down to hell.18 Gag those loudmouthed liars who heckle me, your follower, with jeers and catcalls.19 What a stack of blessing you have piled up for those who worship you, Ready and waiting for all who run to you to escape an unkind world.20 You hide them safely away from the opposition. As you slam the door on those oily, mocking faces, you silence the poisonous gossip.21 Blessed God! His love is the wonder of the world.22 I panicked. "Out of sight, out of mind," I said. But you heard me say it, you heard and listened.23 Love God, all you saints; God takes care of all who stay close to him, But he pays back in full those arrogant enough to go it alone.24 Be brave. Be strong. Don't give up. Expect God to get here soon. (Psalm 31:1-10, 14-24 MSG)
When you feel empty, ask the Lord to fill you up! He is our strength and the only certain thing in our lives. Don't let the things of this world cloud your mind... Find refuge in our God and hope in the future he has for each one of us.
When you feel empty, ask the Lord to fill you up! He is our strength and the only certain thing in our lives. Don't let the things of this world cloud your mind... Find refuge in our God and hope in the future he has for each one of us.
November 7, 2011
Sometimes there are no words. That is a rare occasion for me... but it does happen. I have been without words lately, then I start writing and the words just come.
I've learned lately that I can't always be in control, I have to put my faith in God. God knows our beginning, our middle, and our end and truly wants the best for us, he is our Father. We must have the faith to recognize it, believe it, and live it. As much as we think we know what is best for us, only our Lord knows our future and how to get us there. We may go through trying and heart wrenching times to get there, but we must maintain a faithful and soft heart during these times. If we harden ourselves toward God, or a certain situation, He cannot mold our hearts. We must remain pliable, so that God can guide us and form us into the person we are meant to be to fulfill His will. The hardest part about this is finding peace. Faith and peace comes when we surrender our lives to God, and hand him full control.
I'm stepping back. I've given my troubles, my life, and my heart to God. It may be difficult to do at times, but placing your hope in a perfect God is a better decision than giving your life to an imperfect and weak human. God continually shows this to be true in ways we can’t even fathom and hope placed in him does not disappoint. I’m not sure we can say the same about hope placed in others, or ourselves.
It is normal to take time to evaluate our life at some point, and make sure that we are on the right course. But that is not something we can decide independently. We must go to God and pray that every area of our lives is pleasing and glorifying Him. Without involving God in the inspection of our lives, we are making ourselves more important than Him, by believing that we know what is best for us. I have felt so ashamed that I have attempted to be in complete control of my life, thinking that God doesn't have time for every teeny tiny area of my life, but this isn't true. God knows us inside in out. Although he knows every aspect of our lives, he is overjoyed when we invite Him into our hearts, even if it is into somewhere he hasn't been present in a long time. When there is a get together and "everyone" is invited, don't you feel all the more special when you receive a personal invite? That means there is no question that you are welcome and wanted there. This is how God feels in our lives. He already knows everything that is going on and He is always there, but when we find the time to invite Him in to specific and intimate parts of our lives, His joy blesses us in ways we could never imagine.
It is never too late. If you have withheld a certain area of your life from the Lord, or just haven't been sure how to let him in, you aren't helpless! Just talk to God, ask Him to come into that part of your life, whether it is a relationship, a hobby, or school, ask Him to come in and make things new. He will give you hope and restore this part of your life to make it something it has never been before. I recently did this. I realized that I had been living most of my life with every intention of giving God control, but never actually surrendered control to Him. So I'm asking the Lord to take on my worries, anxieties, and stress and carry me through to the other side. Life falls apart sometime, but God is the ultimate healer. He makes all things new...
I've learned lately that I can't always be in control, I have to put my faith in God. God knows our beginning, our middle, and our end and truly wants the best for us, he is our Father. We must have the faith to recognize it, believe it, and live it. As much as we think we know what is best for us, only our Lord knows our future and how to get us there. We may go through trying and heart wrenching times to get there, but we must maintain a faithful and soft heart during these times. If we harden ourselves toward God, or a certain situation, He cannot mold our hearts. We must remain pliable, so that God can guide us and form us into the person we are meant to be to fulfill His will. The hardest part about this is finding peace. Faith and peace comes when we surrender our lives to God, and hand him full control.
I'm stepping back. I've given my troubles, my life, and my heart to God. It may be difficult to do at times, but placing your hope in a perfect God is a better decision than giving your life to an imperfect and weak human. God continually shows this to be true in ways we can’t even fathom and hope placed in him does not disappoint. I’m not sure we can say the same about hope placed in others, or ourselves.
It is normal to take time to evaluate our life at some point, and make sure that we are on the right course. But that is not something we can decide independently. We must go to God and pray that every area of our lives is pleasing and glorifying Him. Without involving God in the inspection of our lives, we are making ourselves more important than Him, by believing that we know what is best for us. I have felt so ashamed that I have attempted to be in complete control of my life, thinking that God doesn't have time for every teeny tiny area of my life, but this isn't true. God knows us inside in out. Although he knows every aspect of our lives, he is overjoyed when we invite Him into our hearts, even if it is into somewhere he hasn't been present in a long time. When there is a get together and "everyone" is invited, don't you feel all the more special when you receive a personal invite? That means there is no question that you are welcome and wanted there. This is how God feels in our lives. He already knows everything that is going on and He is always there, but when we find the time to invite Him in to specific and intimate parts of our lives, His joy blesses us in ways we could never imagine.
It is never too late. If you have withheld a certain area of your life from the Lord, or just haven't been sure how to let him in, you aren't helpless! Just talk to God, ask Him to come into that part of your life, whether it is a relationship, a hobby, or school, ask Him to come in and make things new. He will give you hope and restore this part of your life to make it something it has never been before. I recently did this. I realized that I had been living most of my life with every intention of giving God control, but never actually surrendered control to Him. So I'm asking the Lord to take on my worries, anxieties, and stress and carry me through to the other side. Life falls apart sometime, but God is the ultimate healer. He makes all things new...
November 3, 2011
Is it truly possible to plot out your whole life and know what to expect? The answer is no. God laughs at those of us who think we have control over our lives. We think we have plans... then poof, God says, "Hey, remember me?" We are living according to HIS plan, not ours.
I am obsessed with checklist. They get me from day to day. Having a to do list and checking things off as I go along gives me a sense of satisfaction about my day, and honestly gives me a feeling of control. I guess I feel I need control, because sometimes I feel like my life is unmanageable. I have realized lately though, that maybe I should stop leaning on the checklist and start leaning more on my Lord. So often, this world gets to me and I forget that its not about me, its about others. It's not about what I want, it's about what God wants. It's not about my plan, bnt the Lord's plan. I can plan out every step of my day, week, and year... from what I want to eat for lunch, when I will study, or what time I'll get home from work to when I will graduate, get married, and have kids. But when I get rolling with these plans, God laughs and says, "Woah, woah, woah Gab... slow down!" He throws kinks, road blocks, and obstacles in the road to slow me and down and remember to keep HIS focus as MY focus.
I cannot stand when things do not go as I plan. But I try to tell my self that God will never give me more than I can handle. So whenever I feel like I have something taken away from me, or my world gets flipped upside down, or my plans crumble in front of me... God is letting me know that I have reached my limit. Once I conquer and adapt to the things currently on my plate, he'll consider giving me more. God does this because He loves me. He doesn't want me to feel overwhelmed or broken or upset. My happiness is His happiness. I also know that when things begin to fall apart, it is time for a priority check.
1 Corinthians chapter 7, talks all about love and life. We are told that we are to concentrate soley and simply on pleasing the Master. No matter what life brings to our door, this is our number one priority and mission. We are told to live as free of complications as possible, so that this world does not weigh us down. Whenever our life gets crowded by these complications, our priorities get foggy. This is where God steps in and shocks you. I've found that He often takes away the things you have put ahead of Him. This is to remind us that NOTHING is more important than our God. This is what is called a reality check. It may seem harsh, but it is only to keep us from falling even further from Him. It is sort of a wake up call, some may continue on without prioritizing, but for me, I am reorganizing.
Recently I have been focusing on the wise words of a Godly woman..."If there is anything in your life that you would have a problem giving up if God asked you to, then it is too important to you. The bible says we are to be in need of nothing except God." I couldn't agree with this more. That is what I have to keep telling myself over, and over, and over while thinking about how I prioritize my life. God should be first. This sounds like a cliche, and often people say this without acting on it or meaning it. I have been that person before. I am making a change, right now, to strive my hardest to keep God as my main and most significant focus in my life. I am leaving my past mindset in the past and starting fresh. I know this will be difficult, and I know that I will struggle, But the blessings of this choice out weigh the burdens. I will come to moments in my future, especially my immediate future, where this world may weigh down on me and I may struggle with my priorities. I know that Satan will tempt me and try to make me regret and change these priorities, but if I stay strong, then I will grow.
Today, this is my struggle. Without a proper and firm foundation to rest my life on, I cannot accomplish anything and will never feel satisfied, I will always feel incomplete and out of place. Putting God first gives me confidence that everything will unfold according to His plan, and His plan is the only plan that matters...
"And don't be wishing you were someplace else or with someone else. Where you are right now is God's place for you. Live and obey and love and believe right there. God, not your marital status, defines your life. Don't think I'm being harder on you than on the others. I give this same counsel in all the churches." 1 Corinthians 7:17 (The Message)
This is the scripture I have been solely focused on for the last 24 hours. The first thing this verse taught me, was the importance of prioritzing. Now when I read the verse I see the importance of confidence and being comfortable with who I am... The other thing I see in this verse is patience. I need a little more time to figure our exactly what God is trying to share with me about parts two and three... but when I know, you'll know.
I am obsessed with checklist. They get me from day to day. Having a to do list and checking things off as I go along gives me a sense of satisfaction about my day, and honestly gives me a feeling of control. I guess I feel I need control, because sometimes I feel like my life is unmanageable. I have realized lately though, that maybe I should stop leaning on the checklist and start leaning more on my Lord. So often, this world gets to me and I forget that its not about me, its about others. It's not about what I want, it's about what God wants. It's not about my plan, bnt the Lord's plan. I can plan out every step of my day, week, and year... from what I want to eat for lunch, when I will study, or what time I'll get home from work to when I will graduate, get married, and have kids. But when I get rolling with these plans, God laughs and says, "Woah, woah, woah Gab... slow down!" He throws kinks, road blocks, and obstacles in the road to slow me and down and remember to keep HIS focus as MY focus.
I cannot stand when things do not go as I plan. But I try to tell my self that God will never give me more than I can handle. So whenever I feel like I have something taken away from me, or my world gets flipped upside down, or my plans crumble in front of me... God is letting me know that I have reached my limit. Once I conquer and adapt to the things currently on my plate, he'll consider giving me more. God does this because He loves me. He doesn't want me to feel overwhelmed or broken or upset. My happiness is His happiness. I also know that when things begin to fall apart, it is time for a priority check.
1 Corinthians chapter 7, talks all about love and life. We are told that we are to concentrate soley and simply on pleasing the Master. No matter what life brings to our door, this is our number one priority and mission. We are told to live as free of complications as possible, so that this world does not weigh us down. Whenever our life gets crowded by these complications, our priorities get foggy. This is where God steps in and shocks you. I've found that He often takes away the things you have put ahead of Him. This is to remind us that NOTHING is more important than our God. This is what is called a reality check. It may seem harsh, but it is only to keep us from falling even further from Him. It is sort of a wake up call, some may continue on without prioritizing, but for me, I am reorganizing.
Recently I have been focusing on the wise words of a Godly woman..."If there is anything in your life that you would have a problem giving up if God asked you to, then it is too important to you. The bible says we are to be in need of nothing except God." I couldn't agree with this more. That is what I have to keep telling myself over, and over, and over while thinking about how I prioritize my life. God should be first. This sounds like a cliche, and often people say this without acting on it or meaning it. I have been that person before. I am making a change, right now, to strive my hardest to keep God as my main and most significant focus in my life. I am leaving my past mindset in the past and starting fresh. I know this will be difficult, and I know that I will struggle, But the blessings of this choice out weigh the burdens. I will come to moments in my future, especially my immediate future, where this world may weigh down on me and I may struggle with my priorities. I know that Satan will tempt me and try to make me regret and change these priorities, but if I stay strong, then I will grow.
Today, this is my struggle. Without a proper and firm foundation to rest my life on, I cannot accomplish anything and will never feel satisfied, I will always feel incomplete and out of place. Putting God first gives me confidence that everything will unfold according to His plan, and His plan is the only plan that matters...
"And don't be wishing you were someplace else or with someone else. Where you are right now is God's place for you. Live and obey and love and believe right there. God, not your marital status, defines your life. Don't think I'm being harder on you than on the others. I give this same counsel in all the churches." 1 Corinthians 7:17 (The Message)
This is the scripture I have been solely focused on for the last 24 hours. The first thing this verse taught me, was the importance of prioritzing. Now when I read the verse I see the importance of confidence and being comfortable with who I am... The other thing I see in this verse is patience. I need a little more time to figure our exactly what God is trying to share with me about parts two and three... but when I know, you'll know.
June 13, 2011
no spending, no worries
So a few weeks ago, the boyfriend told me about an article on Yahoo! Finance about a lady that went ten whole days without spending a dime. At first I honestly didn't see what all the hoopla was about, then I started thinking. That means no gas, no groceries, no bills getting paid... Is that even possible?
Well we decided to give it a try and see if we could meet the challenge. We decided we would begin that Friday, knowing that if we waited too long to start this journey we may talk ourselves out of it!
So while B was at work Friday night, I ran some errands around town, paying my cable bill and his electric. Then it was off to the grocery store. With two lists in hand, I grabbed a buggy and made my way through the store, stocking us both up on some grub. I tend to stick with soup, frozen chicken, and frozen veggies. I have a bad habit of planning to eat all fresh and organic, then letting the stuff go bad before I decide to eat it. I personally blame that bad habit on being a college student. No normal college student has a regular enough schedule to eat at home at the same time everyday, or plan to cook a whole fresh good meal every night. And by the time I get out of class or off work at night, I'm normally craving PB&J or chicken noodle soup. But anywayssss..... B on the other hand decided to be a grocery list diva. Sending me as his personal shopper meant that I had to be quite specific about his food selection. After getting snacks, soup, vitamins, and whatever else we felt like we couldn't live without for ten days, I made myself to the self-checkout and headed home! This would be simple. Not spending money would be no big thing, and in the meantime my savings would be building! Woohoo! Why didn't we do this sooner??......
Friday, June 3rd- Day 1- No big deal! Not spending money was easy... Not only was I working all day, therefore leaving me no free time to spend... but I also got my paycheck at the restaurant and putting it in the bank knowing it was untouched was heavenly!
We continued this little "spending free" adventure for the next 9 days, which turned out to be quite interesting. Here's how it went...
I'm pretty sure I'll be a little bit more of a frugal college student, after this experience. I love watching my savings grow and seeing what all I can live without. It's a shame to think we had to do this as a challenge, when some people do this without a choice. I'm going to try to remember that day to day and evaluate to importance of what I'm buying. Going without mexican food and movies is not that huge of a struggle in reality, sometimes I just lose sight of the bigger picture.
Not having the option to spend for ten days really brought to my attention where all my money normally goes. It's like keeping a food diary. You don't realize you ate a whole box of 100 calorie packs in a day, until you decide to right down what you are eating. Well, I didn't realize how much of my paycheck was funding my Subway obsession, until I drove past Subway countless times over the last week and couldn't pull in... I seriously recommend trying this challenge to all of you out there! I bet you will learn more than you thought!
Until next time,
Well we decided to give it a try and see if we could meet the challenge. We decided we would begin that Friday, knowing that if we waited too long to start this journey we may talk ourselves out of it!
So while B was at work Friday night, I ran some errands around town, paying my cable bill and his electric. Then it was off to the grocery store. With two lists in hand, I grabbed a buggy and made my way through the store, stocking us both up on some grub. I tend to stick with soup, frozen chicken, and frozen veggies. I have a bad habit of planning to eat all fresh and organic, then letting the stuff go bad before I decide to eat it. I personally blame that bad habit on being a college student. No normal college student has a regular enough schedule to eat at home at the same time everyday, or plan to cook a whole fresh good meal every night. And by the time I get out of class or off work at night, I'm normally craving PB&J or chicken noodle soup. But anywayssss..... B on the other hand decided to be a grocery list diva. Sending me as his personal shopper meant that I had to be quite specific about his food selection. After getting snacks, soup, vitamins, and whatever else we felt like we couldn't live without for ten days, I made myself to the self-checkout and headed home! This would be simple. Not spending money would be no big thing, and in the meantime my savings would be building! Woohoo! Why didn't we do this sooner??......
Friday, June 3rd- Day 1- No big deal! Not spending money was easy... Not only was I working all day, therefore leaving me no free time to spend... but I also got my paycheck at the restaurant and putting it in the bank knowing it was untouched was heavenly!
We continued this little "spending free" adventure for the next 9 days, which turned out to be quite interesting. Here's how it went...
- The following weekend (Days 2 & 3) was a piece of cake! Staying busy working the weekend meant no temptation to spend, however it was a tad hard saying no to Sunday lunch after church and settling for yet another sandwich made at the house!
- Monday, June 6th- Day 4- This was a tough one for me! Saying no to the vending machine, during our break between lab and class was hard, but I made it. Not to mention I ran out of my favorite mascara today, tragic.
- Tuesday, June 7th- Day 5- I took an afternoon run around the farmroad with our chocolate lab, Kate, all the while dreaming of an ICEE.... killer. However, my sweet mommy (who happened to be staying the night with me) heard about this terrible ICEE heartbreak and may or may not have brought B and I one when she got off work. Sweet! Mom saved the day with that one!
- Wednesday & Thursday, June 8th&9th- Day 6&7- Breaking our Mexican food habit was definitely a struggle for B and I. We love getting Mexican food for lunch after class right off campus! Luckily, we had a little cheesedip in the fridge to hold us over. Oh yea, and my gas light came on... Oh joy! Still have to make it to Monday!
- Friday, June 10th- Day 8- Friday was a great day for me! Not only did I get a paycheck Thursday from the gym, but once again Friday was payday at the restaurant and I was racking up on savings! B had made it this far without a hitch, he took out his spending temptations on his E*Trade account. Already having money in his account before the challenge started meant he could invest and play around with his stock as much as he wanted, without technically spending anymore money! (I'm a tad bitter about this one, and I'm still not sure how I feel about this stretching of the rules. If I would have known this I would have bought myself a Forever21 gift card before we started so I could steadily feed my online shopping addiction.)
- Saturday, June 11th- Day 9- ALMOST THERE!!! Worked a double at the restaurant and left my wallet at the house, that way a Subway 6"couldn't reel me in after work!
- Sunday, June 12, Day 10- We made it! After church I headed to work and then back home for a long night of studying and cereal for dinner!
I'm pretty sure I'll be a little bit more of a frugal college student, after this experience. I love watching my savings grow and seeing what all I can live without. It's a shame to think we had to do this as a challenge, when some people do this without a choice. I'm going to try to remember that day to day and evaluate to importance of what I'm buying. Going without mexican food and movies is not that huge of a struggle in reality, sometimes I just lose sight of the bigger picture.
Not having the option to spend for ten days really brought to my attention where all my money normally goes. It's like keeping a food diary. You don't realize you ate a whole box of 100 calorie packs in a day, until you decide to right down what you are eating. Well, I didn't realize how much of my paycheck was funding my Subway obsession, until I drove past Subway countless times over the last week and couldn't pull in... I seriously recommend trying this challenge to all of you out there! I bet you will learn more than you thought!
Until next time,
June 3, 2011
Apparently patience is a virtue. Today I don't possess that virtue. Today is Friday and everyone keeps saying "TGIF", but nope not me... Today is just another day for me. I work at the gym, go to class, then work at the restaurant until late in the night. Normally tomorrow would bring a well deserved and spent weekend, but not this time. I open the gym bright and early, followed by working a double shift at the restaurant. I even work on Sunday this weekend. Talk about life of a working girl...
I think, because the end is not in sight yet, seeing as I don't have a day off until Tuesday, I'm beginning to get frustrated with myself and those around me. No patience.... None whatsoever.
Time is tick-tocking by, and I'm just wanting to enjoy my summer and not work. But hey, I'm the one that wanted to work two jobs and build my savings this summer, so it's my own fault! But I'm going to stick it out and make it.
Whheeew, now that I'm done venting and complaining, let's end this post with something pleasant. Perseverance. I also see this as a virtue, and one of which i'm most certainly acquiring at the moment. Working two jobs and going to school is building my character. I can tell this because I'm starting to have more respect for hard working women (and men) in this world. It takes so much to get up day after day and push yourself to be productive, all while maintaining a smile and perky attitude. I mean wouldn't it be easier to just sleep in, do as little as required to get the job done, focus on just ourselves, and act on our every whim? Like not responding to abnormally cheerful morning people when they say hello. And cutting your eyes at someone when they ask you to do your job when you would rather be getting paid to catch up on sleep...
But acting that way helps no one. Persevering through the bad moods, frustrations, and routines makes for a better more disciplined person. That smile, that you are actually faking, may actually brighten someone's day. That silly little question "how are you?" may remind someone that there are people in the world that still care. So pay it forward, Gabby. I have to remind myself this daily... Cheer up! We are so blessed to be spending another wonderful day here among God's beautiful creation, so stick it out through the bad moments and days. Something will come across you to remind you it's worth it to persevere. Like the beautiful sunrise I watched through the gym windows this morning. I would've misses out on God's beautiful painting in the sky this morning if I didn't wake up before the sun to get to work!!
Hope all of you have a fabulous Friday and a wonderful weekend, and remember that bad moods don't only drag you down, bit thy also affect those around you! So SMILE and BE HAPPY!
Until next time,
I think, because the end is not in sight yet, seeing as I don't have a day off until Tuesday, I'm beginning to get frustrated with myself and those around me. No patience.... None whatsoever.
Time is tick-tocking by, and I'm just wanting to enjoy my summer and not work. But hey, I'm the one that wanted to work two jobs and build my savings this summer, so it's my own fault! But I'm going to stick it out and make it.
Whheeew, now that I'm done venting and complaining, let's end this post with something pleasant. Perseverance. I also see this as a virtue, and one of which i'm most certainly acquiring at the moment. Working two jobs and going to school is building my character. I can tell this because I'm starting to have more respect for hard working women (and men) in this world. It takes so much to get up day after day and push yourself to be productive, all while maintaining a smile and perky attitude. I mean wouldn't it be easier to just sleep in, do as little as required to get the job done, focus on just ourselves, and act on our every whim? Like not responding to abnormally cheerful morning people when they say hello. And cutting your eyes at someone when they ask you to do your job when you would rather be getting paid to catch up on sleep...
But acting that way helps no one. Persevering through the bad moods, frustrations, and routines makes for a better more disciplined person. That smile, that you are actually faking, may actually brighten someone's day. That silly little question "how are you?" may remind someone that there are people in the world that still care. So pay it forward, Gabby. I have to remind myself this daily... Cheer up! We are so blessed to be spending another wonderful day here among God's beautiful creation, so stick it out through the bad moments and days. Something will come across you to remind you it's worth it to persevere. Like the beautiful sunrise I watched through the gym windows this morning. I would've misses out on God's beautiful painting in the sky this morning if I didn't wake up before the sun to get to work!!
Hope all of you have a fabulous Friday and a wonderful weekend, and remember that bad moods don't only drag you down, bit thy also affect those around you! So SMILE and BE HAPPY!
Until next time,
May 26, 2011
i love teeter tottering on the line between spring and summer! all the excitement of looking ahead to hot summer nights and making memories with friends... from movie nights, to barbeques, to good workouts, and long days by the pool/ lake... it never seems to last long enough. its like when i buy fireworks on 4th of july and i can hardly contain myself, because i am SO excited to open the sparklers! i just imagine how beautiful they are and how fun they are to play with, especially when you write your name with them in the air! i always love them and then as soon as i light them i get scared, because they seem to burn so intensely and so quick that im scared the flame is going to skip right up the stem and burn my fingers, but it never does. summer is just like that. it is such an exciting and intense season... and almost always short lived. before we know it we will be back in school and in our same old boring routines. we have to live it up during the summer, while schedules are a little more flexible and the opportunities a little more endless! otherwise, we will stand around not making memories and summer will fly by, like the fire scorching up the sparkler ribbon, and before we know it- POOF- it will be gone...
what announces summer in the south louder than the HEAT? trick question, the answer is nothing does! haha well folks, it's here! summertime arrived and we will soon be begging for winter's return after the sunburns, humid air, frizzy hair, and sweaty days sink in...
i've spent the last month wrapping up spring semester of junior year with finals, an official acceptance to nursing school, traveling with family, visiting with friends, and last but not least working! I've found little free time to blog during all the running around here and there, but now that i've done a tad of nestling down into summer that will hopefully change!
i started taking microbiology yesterday, as a summer class and the last pre-req before my nursing courses begin in august! i also picked up a waitressing job at a busy local restaurant, along with my job at the gym, which has kept me plenty busy, my feet nice and sore, my body still adjusting, but keeping my savings for nursing school on the rise! wahooo!
i am dedicating time to blogging at least once or twice a week this summer, if not as a life update at least it will be a good way to vent/ creative release!
Things i am looking forward to this summer (in no particular order):
1. my bestest friend is getting MARRIED to an amazing man come July 1st- yipppeeee!!!
2. my smarty pants sweet boyfriend, B, begins applying for vet school
3. i get to see family from Cali this summer that i haven't seen since my sweet 16th bday
4.cutting down my 5k time (more later...)
5. making an A in microbiology
6. having many many many great times with friends to fill me up before nursing school takes over
and im sure many others that i can't think of at this moment seeing as I have to get up BEFORE the crack of dawn and head to work at the gym.
anyhoo- many exciting things have been unfolding lately and i can hardly wait to tell you about them all!
i've spent the last month wrapping up spring semester of junior year with finals, an official acceptance to nursing school, traveling with family, visiting with friends, and last but not least working! I've found little free time to blog during all the running around here and there, but now that i've done a tad of nestling down into summer that will hopefully change!
i started taking microbiology yesterday, as a summer class and the last pre-req before my nursing courses begin in august! i also picked up a waitressing job at a busy local restaurant, along with my job at the gym, which has kept me plenty busy, my feet nice and sore, my body still adjusting, but keeping my savings for nursing school on the rise! wahooo!
i am dedicating time to blogging at least once or twice a week this summer, if not as a life update at least it will be a good way to vent/ creative release!
Things i am looking forward to this summer (in no particular order):
1. my bestest friend is getting MARRIED to an amazing man come July 1st- yipppeeee!!!
2. my smarty pants sweet boyfriend, B, begins applying for vet school
3. i get to see family from Cali this summer that i haven't seen since my sweet 16th bday
4.cutting down my 5k time (more later...)
5. making an A in microbiology
6. having many many many great times with friends to fill me up before nursing school takes over
and im sure many others that i can't think of at this moment seeing as I have to get up BEFORE the crack of dawn and head to work at the gym.
anyhoo- many exciting things have been unfolding lately and i can hardly wait to tell you about them all!
Until next time,
April 13, 2011
how do you spend your day? if i would have asked myself this a month ago, I would have answered "At the gym..." ( working...not working out, unfortunately) See my boss was on maternity leave so I was working almost full time,between school and the fitness center. BUT little mama came back to work last week and put me back on the morning shift. (the morning shift is 4:45 a.m. incase anyone was wondering!) So I've had to work myself into a new little groove, and I'm beginning to LOVE IT!
Yes, it is extremely difficult to roll out of bed at 4:30 a.m. But thats exactly what I do... I ROLL out of bed, throw on fresh sweats and flip flops, make a bowl of hot oatmeal, and hop in the car. The nice thing about working mornings, is that no one expects me to look my best :) haha So with my shift ending around 9 or 10 in the morning, I'm left with a free day, because i take no class on MWF. So my latest dilemma has been deciding how to fill it. I've tried everything from napping after work and getting up at lunch, to doing things around the house to keep me busy, but i inevitably crash before i get anything done.
TODAY WAS HUUGGGGEEEE. Today was the day I found my groove! During the slow hours at the gym this morning I managed to study for a medical terminology quiz AND finish a 3 page study guide. I got off work around 10 and felt a little motivation to get a run in early... so my sweet boss gave me a new tredmill workout (lots of interval training). I figured I would just do half or so.... 1 hour later.... I had run almost 6 miles and had consistently ran for an hour! INSANE! talk about stress relieving... there is truly no better drug than exercise!! Then I left the gym and went by my professors office to take a quiz. Overall.... By lunch, I had finished ALL my homework, studied for a test, got 5 hours on my time sheet, and ran 6 miles! TALK ABOUT BEING PRODUCTIVE!
Needless to say, today was an awesome day! I spent the rest of the afternoon with B at home celebrating his mom's birthday and running little errands around town. The weather was beautiful and I've never been happier! So I was so excited for my run today, I've pumped myself up for an early run in the morning before class.... let's see if I can make Thursday as amazing as Wednesday!!! I'm hoping! :)
It's funny how little days like this can make me feel so absolutely wonderful! I think God gave me a love for running to make me feel my heartbeat and remind me that I'm alive. I want to live everyday with as much love and passion for life as God intended!
Yes, it is extremely difficult to roll out of bed at 4:30 a.m. But thats exactly what I do... I ROLL out of bed, throw on fresh sweats and flip flops, make a bowl of hot oatmeal, and hop in the car. The nice thing about working mornings, is that no one expects me to look my best :) haha So with my shift ending around 9 or 10 in the morning, I'm left with a free day, because i take no class on MWF. So my latest dilemma has been deciding how to fill it. I've tried everything from napping after work and getting up at lunch, to doing things around the house to keep me busy, but i inevitably crash before i get anything done.
TODAY WAS HUUGGGGEEEE. Today was the day I found my groove! During the slow hours at the gym this morning I managed to study for a medical terminology quiz AND finish a 3 page study guide. I got off work around 10 and felt a little motivation to get a run in early... so my sweet boss gave me a new tredmill workout (lots of interval training). I figured I would just do half or so.... 1 hour later.... I had run almost 6 miles and had consistently ran for an hour! INSANE! talk about stress relieving... there is truly no better drug than exercise!! Then I left the gym and went by my professors office to take a quiz. Overall.... By lunch, I had finished ALL my homework, studied for a test, got 5 hours on my time sheet, and ran 6 miles! TALK ABOUT BEING PRODUCTIVE!
Needless to say, today was an awesome day! I spent the rest of the afternoon with B at home celebrating his mom's birthday and running little errands around town. The weather was beautiful and I've never been happier! So I was so excited for my run today, I've pumped myself up for an early run in the morning before class.... let's see if I can make Thursday as amazing as Wednesday!!! I'm hoping! :)
It's funny how little days like this can make me feel so absolutely wonderful! I think God gave me a love for running to make me feel my heartbeat and remind me that I'm alive. I want to live everyday with as much love and passion for life as God intended!
Until next time,
March 23, 2011
spring breakin'
So, this year's spring break is definitely a little different than the ones I have had before. This year I spent the first few days relaxing. On Saturday me and B took our chocolate lab Kate to Little Rock and climbed Pinnacle Mt. -SO much fun!
God wants me to throw all my worries on Him. I'm not supposed to handle it all alone. I need to avoid a prideful attitude and admit that I cannot do it by myself. In His own time, God will decide how to take care of my problems. The key point is that HE will decide in HIS own time. My life is according to His plan, not my own. I don't have to worry, because I know my God will never let me down. In the meantime, I just have to pray with a humble and selfless heart. I need to present my requests and anxieties to Him all the while understanding that I cannot expect help how and when it is convenient for me, but instead how it relates to God's plan for my life. I'm casting all my worries on the Lord today and starting fresh when I wake up. I find comfort knowing that He cares for me.
Until next time,
[me and kate at the top!]
We spent a great day hanging out in Little Rock Saturday, visited family camping at White Oak Lake on Sunday, and relaxed a lot on Monday & Tuesday. The relaxing consisted mostly of fishing and watching episode after episode of Greek on Netflix.[can i please say that Netflix is the best thing EVER.]
Now that my spring (1/2) break is over and Wednesday is here... I'm back to work. Oh, the life of a working college girl. But it's okay! I wasn't complaining when this precious little number arrived on my doorstep via F21.
[Yes, I'm addicted to online shopping. So what?]
And as you know, floral is a weakness of mine :) So anyways, the rest of the break will be spent working at the gym and hanging out with Kate. B managed to escape South Arkansas for the rest of the week to go on a canoe trip, must be nice... eh? haha Kidding! I'm excited he's getting a break from his hectic pre-vet schedule!
So amidst all the spring break chillaxin' and my birthday creeping around the corner, other worries have been coming up. Dealing with everyday stress is enough, but sometimes things can get complicated and overwhelming. This verse is the banner hanging in my head that helps me enjoy the simple things while not stressing over the problems inevitably popping up here and there:
1 Peter 5: 5-7
"In the same way, you who are younger, submit yourselves to your elders. All of you, clothe yourselves with humility toward one another, because, God opposes the proud but shows favor to the humble. Humble yourselves, therefore, under God’s mighty hand, that he may lift you up in due time. Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. "
God wants me to throw all my worries on Him. I'm not supposed to handle it all alone. I need to avoid a prideful attitude and admit that I cannot do it by myself. In His own time, God will decide how to take care of my problems. The key point is that HE will decide in HIS own time. My life is according to His plan, not my own. I don't have to worry, because I know my God will never let me down. In the meantime, I just have to pray with a humble and selfless heart. I need to present my requests and anxieties to Him all the while understanding that I cannot expect help how and when it is convenient for me, but instead how it relates to God's plan for my life. I'm casting all my worries on the Lord today and starting fresh when I wake up. I find comfort knowing that He cares for me.
Until next time,
March 15, 2011
love for japan
Everything that is going on in Japan right now breaks my heart. From the earthquake, the tsunami, and the terrible problems with the nuclear situation, it is all so unreal. I've noticed lately just how important it is to stay in touch with the rest of the world. It makes me realize how small my problems are and that there are hearts out there that are truly hurting. My biggest problem this week is writing a paper for class... really, Gabby? Really? It just puts things into serious perspective. Say your prayers for those in Japan suffering right now, and those around the world who have loved ones in Japan. This is truly a time to step back and evaluate what little things you take so seriously...
Until next time,
March 14, 2011
let the countdown begin!
T minus 20 days until I'm the big 2-1!
Talk about birthday bliss.... Ahhhh! All that's missing is a glass of wine :)
March 10, 2011
thoughtful thursday
Something can only make you as happy as you allow it to. This is something it's taken me years to realize. I once held the mindset that what I have isn't good enough and I wanted something different. Whether considering my clothing, my lifestyle, my body, my job, or my relationships, I always wanted more. I was always wanting something different, which I assumed meant better. However, I was wrong.
The problem was I was spending all my time trying to enjoy what I didn't have and never would. I either day dreamed or pushed the limits to get things that were not and could not be mine. Instead of enjoying the things in my life for what they are and uncovering their beauty and worth, I constantly told myself that my life wasn't good enough. I told myself it could be better.
I have now learned to take things for what they are. Everything and everyone has a meaning and a value. Everything has a purpose. God has me where I am supposed to be and has provided me with more than I could ever need, so why should I keep wanting more? I've learned to not take the things in my life for granted, because they may not always be there. I need to cherish the people and relationships God has given me and give them every part of me.
What I have didn't make me happy in the past, because I never gave it the chance to, my attention was always focused on something else. Now, I am happy. I recognize the things God has put in my life for the blessings they are.
The problem was I was spending all my time trying to enjoy what I didn't have and never would. I either day dreamed or pushed the limits to get things that were not and could not be mine. Instead of enjoying the things in my life for what they are and uncovering their beauty and worth, I constantly told myself that my life wasn't good enough. I told myself it could be better.
I have now learned to take things for what they are. Everything and everyone has a meaning and a value. Everything has a purpose. God has me where I am supposed to be and has provided me with more than I could ever need, so why should I keep wanting more? I've learned to not take the things in my life for granted, because they may not always be there. I need to cherish the people and relationships God has given me and give them every part of me.
What I have didn't make me happy in the past, because I never gave it the chance to, my attention was always focused on something else. Now, I am happy. I recognize the things God has put in my life for the blessings they are.
SMILE. Be thankful for this season in your life.
Until next time...
Until next time...
March 9, 2011
A different kind of independent
*I would like to apologize in advance for the length of this post, but hey sometimes a girl has things to say!
Overall today felt like a big day for me. You know in the movies when there is that huge life changing moment that separates the past from the future and everything for the main character changes? Like when Cinderella meets her Prince and never has to return to her stepmother's house again, or Harry gets his letter from Hogwarts and enters the world of magic never returning to the broom cupboard! (Yes, I went there.... I'm a H.P. fan & proud of it.) Well... today was one of those days, internally at least. I feel like I'm finally coming into my own as a woman/ twenty-something/ grown-up/ young adult. However, as I gain this independence I begin to question if I want it. Let me break it down for you...
Overall today felt like a big day for me. You know in the movies when there is that huge life changing moment that separates the past from the future and everything for the main character changes? Like when Cinderella meets her Prince and never has to return to her stepmother's house again, or Harry gets his letter from Hogwarts and enters the world of magic never returning to the broom cupboard! (Yes, I went there.... I'm a H.P. fan & proud of it.) Well... today was one of those days, internally at least. I feel like I'm finally coming into my own as a woman/ twenty-something/ grown-up/ young adult. However, as I gain this independence I begin to question if I want it. Let me break it down for you...
Independent (dictionary definition)
(1) Not governed by a foreign power; self-governing.
(2) Free from the influence, guidance, or control of another or others
(3) Not determined or influenced by someone or something else; not contingent
(4) Not dependent on or affiliated with a larger or controlling entity
Independent (Gabby's definition)
(1) Now the dictionary sounds pretty appealing on #'s 2 and 3, but there is a certain part of independence I don't want. I actually take pride and comfort that I am goverened by a foreign power [Christ] and without him do not feel I could govern myself. Also, I am honored to be affiliated with Christ. Although some say that the term Christian has been tainted over the years, no one or thing can taint Christ's name. Nothing can take away the price he paid for our sins. I am dependent on Christ for my strength.
But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me. That is why, for Christ’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong. - 2 Corinthians 12:9-10
I love what Paul says here. He explains my view of independence with Christ perfectly. He explains that himself, as well as all humans, are not perfect. We all have weaknesses. All those weaknesses are unique to each of us, no two the same. We were given that imperfection to be reminded that we cannot survive alone. We need something bigger and stronger; we accept Christ's strength as our own. When we accept our weaknesses for what they are, we are becoming dependent on Christ. When we are weak, we are strong. So- I will chose to be dependent on Christ, rather than attempt to make it on my own.
(2) Now that I've covered the deep part of the definition, I would like to share the rest of my independence struggle over the last few days. I realized that in high school I tried so hard to be like everyone else. To dress the same, speak the same, enjoy the same things, and blend in as much as possible. While not hiding completely who I was, I was lucky enough to find myself among an amazing group of friends and somehow wrangle a pretty amazing guy ("B"- for future reference)- all during my freshman year. (Yep that's right. Found the love of my life in the 9th grade- I'm crazzyyy lucky and I thank God daily.) So anyways, the rest of high school was a game of matching my friends in hobbies, interest, clothes, and beliefs. I was lucky enough to not lose myself inside the way I lost myself slightly on the surface.
Then came college.To say that college has been a rollercoaster emotionally and physically ( changing schools 3 times in 3 years) would be a complete understatement... but that's a story for another day. My college story is like so many others... rush, rush, rush. Rush a sorority. Rush through courses. Rush through memories. All great times, but not really being myself along the way. I've always been proud of the person I am and never really shy about it, but somehow I managed to hide my true self from so many people that God brought into my life along the way.
My junior year, I found myself at a new university and close to home. I felt more like myself than ever before- after a year and a half apart I was finally back at the same school as B and relieved. For the first time in a long time I felt like I could breathe. Like I could loosen up and be Gabby again. After a few months have passed I've made some major steps. I've gone from college student to nursing school applicant (hopefully soon to be student- YAY!) From dorm room to house. From long distance relationship to seeing his face daily..and fearlessly in love. From another member of my Baptist youth to discovering what my unique relationship with Christ really means. I feel like I've taken some pretty huge steps this year. And I'm inviting more to come!
This is the kind of independence I welcome with open arms. I learn something new everyday! In fact, yesterday I learned how to file taxes without mom and dad. Hah! I've tried to spend more and more time discovering who I am personally, what I believe, and what I want from life. Now, obviously that's the purpose of this blog- to help me lay out all the lessons I learn and things I discover while I continue to grow. One thing I have really realized is that you have to know who you are before you can share yourself with anyone else...
(3) Now how I got so lucky... I have no idea. It was a great friend of mine, Mo, who introduced young B to me, which WILL be a story on another day :). But for two people to grow up in highschool together, survive the drama, and make it to college is hard enough. But to make it to our 3rd year of college still intact is almost unheard of. He has stuck by my side through thick and thin and I honestly cannot imagine my life without him- and don't want to try. I wish that every girl gets to experience the uncontrollable feeling of happiness and relief I have everytime I see his face. It's like a force of nature. I'm so filled with happiness, there aren't words to explain it.. the word love doesn't do the feeling justice. And the relief comes from the comfortability. He knows me- inside and out. I can be myself around him with no cares in the world.
While I've been on this journey discovering who I am, he's been by my side. He knows what I've learned and how I've changed. We've grown up together, instead of growing apart we have only grown closer together. Actually more entangled than close together... like slowly fusing together. He is such a huge part of who I am. My indepence journey has so much to do with mine and B's relationship. He has helped me discover new things about myself- like how I should care less about what people think about me and do things for myself and not to please others. He has also been there when I've learned life's lessons- like how easy it is to lose trust and how hard it is to build trust back. I understand that relying on B and his opinion makes me dependent, but along the way I have begin to see our relationship as it's own person. And I know that person finds their strength in Christ. So really, B and I are dependent on Christ to lead our relationship wherever he pleases, as we are along for the ride.
Now you know my stance on being independent- live for yourself NOT others. Be true to yourself. I know you have heard it all your life, but until you reach the point of true realization, as I have over the past few days, you won't really understand. I hope I have put at least a crack in the surface for you to start chizzling away at who you truly are.
Until next time,
March 8, 2011
Today has been one of those days... BLAH. I woke up to weather that makes your hair frizz no matter how much anti-frizz hairspray you use, rain falling with wind blowing (the kind that makes it impossible to cross campus with your umbrella intact), and not to mention hitting that wall tonight during my run. I got to that moment where I couldn't take another step...no motivation what so ever!
But I would have to say the hardest part of today was coming across someone who completely challenged my Christian character. No one is perfect, especially me, but you know those people who make it so so SOOOO much harder to be a good person? Well I came across one today. They completely pushed my buttons, tested my temper, and plucked away the last piece of positivity I was clinging to today. I literally had to sit in my car, pull out my Bible, and say a prayer. This is what I read...
1 Peter 3:8-12
But I would have to say the hardest part of today was coming across someone who completely challenged my Christian character. No one is perfect, especially me, but you know those people who make it so so SOOOO much harder to be a good person? Well I came across one today. They completely pushed my buttons, tested my temper, and plucked away the last piece of positivity I was clinging to today. I literally had to sit in my car, pull out my Bible, and say a prayer. This is what I read...
1 Peter 3:8-12
Finally, all of you, be like-minded, be sympathetic, love one another, be compassionate and humble. Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult. On the contrary, repay evil with blessing, because to this you were called so that you may inherit a blessing. For,
“Whoever would love life
and see good days
must keep their tongue from evil
and their lips from deceitful speech.
They must turn from evil and do good;
they must seek peace and pursue it.
For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous
and his ears are attentive to their prayer,
but the face of the Lord is against those who do evil.”
and see good days
must keep their tongue from evil
and their lips from deceitful speech.
They must turn from evil and do good;
they must seek peace and pursue it.
For the eyes of the Lord are on the righteous
and his ears are attentive to their prayer,
but the face of the Lord is against those who do evil.”
It is SO hard to "kill with kindness", which is basically what we are being taught from this verse, but that was my lesson today. That's what God taught me. In the 8 minutes or so minutes I sat in my car before class, I learned that it is so much more rewarding to be kind and please the Lord, than to put action to our negative thoughts and feed our bitterness. I just want to live life FREE.
I hope that this little tid bit from my day will help you when you come across any negativity in your life :) Thanks for letting me vent...
Until next time,
March 7, 2011
hair perfection.
I might wear my hair like this every day for the rest of my life.
I can't wait to try it. so - freaking- cute.
Thanks A Cup of Jo :)
Happy Monday!
Until next time.
March 6, 2011
just dreaming...
Just spending a relaxing Sunday night putting my love for interior design to work by dreaming of kitchens..
These are just a few that i love!
[Rustic + a touch of modern]
where I feed my obsession for interiors daily->>> [here]
Yea, maybe one day...here's hoping! For now, I'll keep dreaming
Until next time :)
March 5, 2011
Rain, rain, go away...
Due to dragging my butt out of bed at 7 am on this rainy Saturday morning, I am feeling a wee bit dreary. So in every hope of adding a smidge of cheer to this long Saturday of work I decided to do a post on things that make me happy. Now obviously I can't list all the things that make me smile, but these are just a few on my mind this morning :)... Enjoy!
Is it summer yet???...
I love a good read.
...and a good run.
Floral prints are my weakness.
Oh Paris, how I miss thee!
i love all things vintage.
Ahhhh... I feel better already! Now, back to work for a measly 8 more hours... YUCK! Happy Saturday everyone!
Until next time :)
February 27, 2011
live THIS day
"The best thing about the future is that it comes only one day at a time." - Abraham Lincoln
I write because it is the only way to organize the insane amount of chaotic thought going through my mind at any given moment, especially lately. The latest whirlwind occurring in my head began this past Wednesday night. One of my very best friends shared the exciting news that she's ENGAGED! After the girly middle school jumpingfest that went on in my kitchen, followed by the hour long play by play and interrogation, I immediately went into stress mode. Engaged?! One of MY best friends? This cannot be happening. There is no way we are old enough to be getting married already. Insanity, pure insanity. I could not be happier for my sweet little bestie, but it got me thinking... the future is such a creeper!
The excitement of this led to this next string of thoughts over the rest of the week... I'll be 21 in a month, I need to turn in my nursing application, turn in already?, what happens if I don't get in?, I need a backup plan, I need to intern this summer, what will I do after I graduate, its March on Tuesday, OMG spring break plans, then it will be my birthday, wow the semester is almost over!, what about finals?, ew...finals, I wonder what nursing finals will be like, I should get my masters, I wonder how long that takes, I could probably graduate with my masters before I'm 27, crazy, 27 is old, I should be married by then, 27? When should I start having kids? Oh no! I'll be almost 30- THIRTYYYYY!....
How the heck do I handle that everyday? I went from thinking "YAY! My very exciting and funfilled 21st birthday is coming up!" to "I'm 30- and old." Wow Gabby, really? What is the focus of your blog? What do you try to remind yourself everyday... LIVE THIS DAY.
THIS one. Not tomorrow, or the next one... THIS one. Yes, the future is coming, with every breath and every stroke of my keyboard I'm entering the future. But as good ole Abe said...it comes ONE day at a time. The future can seem so scary, because it's so easy to condense. It's so easy as a college student to look over a degree plan of a few classes or requirements and say I need X hours until I can graduate. Or if you're like me, living paycheck to paycheck (which could be avoided-because of my forever21 addiction... but that's another story) time flies because you make that grocery list and wait til you get your check then pay bills and tally up your time sheet for the next check and before you know it two pay periods have flown by in the blink of an eye and the bills are due again. It's so easy to watch time fly right past you, especially as you get older and time goes faster. So looking ahead can seem scary, because it seems like it will get here so fast. But what that time sheet and degree plan can't show you, are the growths you make.
Condensing the future basically takes you from where you are now to where you hope to be after a given time. That's great and all when you are setting goals, but if you forget to live day to day, your life will become a meaningless blur before your eyes. Don't wait. Don't let each day slip between your fingers, because you are planning for tomorrow. LIVE TODAY :) Take a walk, paint a picture, keep a journal, run and feel your heart beat! Remind yourself that you are alive. Make memories. Plans are great for keeping you on track, but without the memories there is no life. If you don't live along the way, your life will simply become a string of plans getting you by day by day, basically sucking out the fun. Plans are a good thing in moderation. Too many plans= funsucker! Memories are the marks from the plans you've made that remind you of how you've grown and what you've learned along the way.
Okay, so obviously I'm a little scatterbrained today. But hey, that's Gabby for ya. I'm trying to remind myself that life is what happens when I'm making other plans. It's nice to be organized, but I can't forget to live along the way. I love thinking about what I"m working towards in life, what I want for myself, and where I hope to be one day... but I want to enjoy the life God gave me and let His plan be my plan.
So future, I know you're close and I'm ready for you, but I think I'll take my time and enjoy the little surprises along the way :) like helping my best friend get ready for one of the most exciting days of her life! Oh the memories to be made between now and then.... I can't wait!
Until next time,
February 20, 2011
catching up.
Catching up is always satisfying. During the past few weeks that's exactly what I've done- caught up. I caught up with workouts and finally found my love for running again. I caught up with school work and spring break is almost in sight! I caught up on some quality time with my boyfriend over the few snow days we had and a sweet little Valentine's day. And last but not least, spent an amazing weekend catching up with best friends. Even though the feat of catching up is never complete- it's life. Always working on a project, fixing something, playing phone tag with friends and family, forgetting something, misplacing things, breaking something, running errands, and so on... But in all that, I discover my passion for creativity, what a thrifty and independent girl I can be, how much I miss and love the important people in my life, when not to sweat the small stuff, and most of all how to uncover God's little miracles and hellos in every area of my life.
The other night I was so frustrated after a long day and I went on a run to relieve some stress, on the last stretch of my run I stumbled upon a breathtaking sunset. It was so crazy that the sunset could be so beautiful, when I was seeing it from a little dirt road that runs through a farm in south arkansas. It was like God was reminding me that there was still beauty in the world. After all the stress from the little notes I scratch down in my planner to the worries of the day, its easy to only see the disappointing things and the things you didn't get around to finishing that day. But on that sweet little Friday afternoon, God reminded me of the beauty. He showed me how the sun sinking beneath the winter pines can warm your heart and ease your mind, even on the chilliest of February days.
I remembered at that moment, that no matter what I do or don't get caught up on throughout the week, I have one constant. God. I always make it out to be some huge deal to catch up with God. I really should remember He already knows the ups and downs we experience daily, He's just waiting for us to turn to Him for the advice and comfort we're looking for, instead of looking for it in all the wrong places. Venting is always a sure way to ease your mind, so why not vent to God in order to straighten out all your thoughts. He's the one who created our minds in the first place, so who better to understand?
Running is most definitely going to be scheduled into my daily routine. It make's me feel great and gives me that little alone time to catch up with my God. I took a picture of that beautiful sunset on my phone- but have yet to upload it to the computer... so I found this instead. This picture is absolutely stunning and makes me want to get outside! If it weren't so late I'd go run right now. But this picture does the job- it shows the simplicity and beauty of a dirt road and God's handywork.
The other night I was so frustrated after a long day and I went on a run to relieve some stress, on the last stretch of my run I stumbled upon a breathtaking sunset. It was so crazy that the sunset could be so beautiful, when I was seeing it from a little dirt road that runs through a farm in south arkansas. It was like God was reminding me that there was still beauty in the world. After all the stress from the little notes I scratch down in my planner to the worries of the day, its easy to only see the disappointing things and the things you didn't get around to finishing that day. But on that sweet little Friday afternoon, God reminded me of the beauty. He showed me how the sun sinking beneath the winter pines can warm your heart and ease your mind, even on the chilliest of February days.
I remembered at that moment, that no matter what I do or don't get caught up on throughout the week, I have one constant. God. I always make it out to be some huge deal to catch up with God. I really should remember He already knows the ups and downs we experience daily, He's just waiting for us to turn to Him for the advice and comfort we're looking for, instead of looking for it in all the wrong places. Venting is always a sure way to ease your mind, so why not vent to God in order to straighten out all your thoughts. He's the one who created our minds in the first place, so who better to understand?
Running is most definitely going to be scheduled into my daily routine. It make's me feel great and gives me that little alone time to catch up with my God. I took a picture of that beautiful sunset on my phone- but have yet to upload it to the computer... so I found this instead. This picture is absolutely stunning and makes me want to get outside! If it weren't so late I'd go run right now. But this picture does the job- it shows the simplicity and beauty of a dirt road and God's handywork.
So....catching up- regardless of how many things get crossed off, it still seems like the to do list in my planner is growing. Here goes nothing, tomorrow is Monday and begins another week, which will inevitably end with my trying to catch up with school, work, friends, or another something... it's always something. Always running.. story of my life. But I'm learning to love it more everyday. :)
Until next time,
February 7, 2011
Pandora radio set to Corey Smith. Amping up for Corey Smith live in less than two weeks!
Nothing better to aid in easing my mind while working on a paper for Philosophy.
Nothing better to aid in easing my mind while working on a paper for Philosophy.
February 5, 2011
Unplugged, unamused, yet still alive :)
I started this blog because I like to write. I'll admit I'm not the most talented or vivacious writer, like a certain friend of mine, however I enjoy journaling and seeing my thoughts out in front of me. A blog just seemed like a great thing for a girl in her 20s to do. So I've gone from avid blog reader to beginner blog writer. For the 3 or 4 people who actually do read this, I'll go ahead and apologize for my lack of dedication. As I already know I won't be blogging frequently. This will just be a new outlet for my thoughts :)
So... after days of contemplation I did it. I deactivated my Facebook. I'm not one of those people who are super against technology taking over our lives or anything. I just realized how much I was living through my computer. It was like I couldn't remember what my life was like before my Facebook page. I constantly was worried about what was or wasn't on my Facebook, whether it be my current relationship status, unflattering pictures tagged of me, or silly comments on my wall. I had forgotten that I am actually a person aside from that page. I can still enjoy getting ready and dressing up even if there won't be a picture taken of me. I can still have deep thoughts, questions, or opinions without sharing them with everyone I know on Facebook.
I really realized how much Facebook had taken over when I got a new phone with a handy little Facebook app on it. making it so much easier and convenient to keep tabs on. Also, I started ignoring the people I was around, sorry B, because I was too busy checking status updates or checking out people's pictures. I realized that I wasn't living my life. I was simply checking in on other people's when I got the chance.
I mean don't get me wrong, Facebook is great. I mean I'm a junior in college and I'm at my 3rd university, so obviously I have a few friends I try to keep in touch with and fb helps SO much! Also it's nice when we get caught up in our own busy lives to check in on friends without having to play phone tag for a week before we get the chance to catch up. This little Facebook free journey should be interesting. I've gone to the links of having my boyfriend change my password so I can't reactivate it. Can you say ridiculous? Yep, that's me! Meanwhile I'm unamused with this whole process, but I'm hoping it will help me be more productive with my freetime.
Other than schoolwork, email, and this blog. I'm going to try to stay off my laptop and try to spend more time soaking up my life. More time in my Bible, other books, and spending time with the precious people in my life and not just a photo and newsfeed of them :) I know most of you think that I'm beyond ridiculous for this, but don't lie... in some way, shape, or form you are/ have been addicted to technology too! So here I go... off to enjoy my Facebook free life.
Until next time.. :)
So... after days of contemplation I did it. I deactivated my Facebook. I'm not one of those people who are super against technology taking over our lives or anything. I just realized how much I was living through my computer. It was like I couldn't remember what my life was like before my Facebook page. I constantly was worried about what was or wasn't on my Facebook, whether it be my current relationship status, unflattering pictures tagged of me, or silly comments on my wall. I had forgotten that I am actually a person aside from that page. I can still enjoy getting ready and dressing up even if there won't be a picture taken of me. I can still have deep thoughts, questions, or opinions without sharing them with everyone I know on Facebook.
I really realized how much Facebook had taken over when I got a new phone with a handy little Facebook app on it. making it so much easier and convenient to keep tabs on. Also, I started ignoring the people I was around, sorry B, because I was too busy checking status updates or checking out people's pictures. I realized that I wasn't living my life. I was simply checking in on other people's when I got the chance.
I mean don't get me wrong, Facebook is great. I mean I'm a junior in college and I'm at my 3rd university, so obviously I have a few friends I try to keep in touch with and fb helps SO much! Also it's nice when we get caught up in our own busy lives to check in on friends without having to play phone tag for a week before we get the chance to catch up. This little Facebook free journey should be interesting. I've gone to the links of having my boyfriend change my password so I can't reactivate it. Can you say ridiculous? Yep, that's me! Meanwhile I'm unamused with this whole process, but I'm hoping it will help me be more productive with my freetime.
Other than schoolwork, email, and this blog. I'm going to try to stay off my laptop and try to spend more time soaking up my life. More time in my Bible, other books, and spending time with the precious people in my life and not just a photo and newsfeed of them :) I know most of you think that I'm beyond ridiculous for this, but don't lie... in some way, shape, or form you are/ have been addicted to technology too! So here I go... off to enjoy my Facebook free life.
Until next time.. :)
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