June 3, 2011


Apparently patience is a virtue. Today I don't possess that virtue. Today is Friday and everyone keeps saying "TGIF", but nope not me... Today is just another day for me. I work at the gym, go to class, then work at the restaurant until late in the night. Normally tomorrow would bring a well deserved and spent weekend, but not this time. I open the gym bright and early, followed by working a double shift at the restaurant. I even work on Sunday this weekend. Talk about life of a working girl...
I think, because the end is not in sight yet, seeing as I don't have a day off until Tuesday, I'm beginning to get frustrated with myself and those around me. No patience.... None whatsoever.
Time is tick-tocking by, and I'm just wanting to enjoy my summer and not work. But hey, I'm the one that wanted to work two jobs and build my savings this summer, so it's my own fault! But I'm going to stick it out and make it.
Whheeew, now that I'm done venting and complaining, let's end this post with something pleasant. Perseverance. I also see this as a virtue, and one of which i'm most certainly acquiring at the moment. Working two jobs and going to school is building my character. I can tell this because I'm starting to have more respect for hard working women (and men) in this world. It takes so much to get up day after day and push yourself to be productive, all while maintaining a smile and perky attitude. I mean wouldn't it be easier to just sleep in, do as little as required to get the job done, focus on just ourselves, and act on our every whim? Like not responding to abnormally cheerful morning people when they say hello. And cutting your eyes at someone when they ask you to do your job when you would rather be getting paid to catch up on sleep...
But acting that way helps no one. Persevering through the bad moods, frustrations, and routines makes for a better more disciplined person. That smile, that you are actually faking, may actually brighten someone's day. That silly little question "how are you?" may remind someone that there are people in the world that still care. So pay it forward, Gabby. I have to remind myself this daily... Cheer up! We are so blessed to be spending another wonderful day here among God's beautiful creation, so stick it out through the bad moments and days. Something will come across you to remind you it's worth it to persevere. Like the beautiful sunrise I watched through the gym windows this morning. I would've misses out on God's beautiful painting in the sky this morning if I didn't wake up before the sun to get to work!!
Hope all of you have a fabulous Friday and a wonderful weekend, and remember that bad moods don't only drag you down, bit thy also affect those around you! So SMILE and BE HAPPY!

Until next time,

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